Thursday, December 24, 2009

T'is the season to be jolly

Ho Ho Ho!! Its that time of the year again when Santa comes to town after being judgemental for the whole year. I really wonder how he judges if you have been naughty or nice.....does he have a nice swanky software which has a list of everyone on it and the little elves work the whole year putting ticks and crosses against the names. I wonder if Santa just looks at a report at the end of November or well probably a bit earlier to ensure who all gets the goodies. Then lies the question of where all the gifts are sourced from, are they made in North Pole or as is common nowadays everything is being imported from China and if it the later does that mean the poor elves who spent all their lifetime working in the gift factories have lost their jobs? Has recession affected our red robed beared fella also and the gifts this year would not be as awesome as the years past? Is someone in the accounts department going to play the grinch and add everyone on the naughty list? Well all we hope is that North Pole still remains unaffected from what is happening all around and that Santa remains as jolly and kind as he always used to be. Yes t'is the season to be merry and rejoice and so I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year.

P.S: All those who think Santa doesn't exist just don't want to share those cookies and milk with greedy cynics!! :D

Sunday, July 5, 2009

News from the week or two or three

There has never been such an eventful moment in the world as what is happening now.........and now that I have you wondering, I would like to add that you are the most gullible lot I have seen....or in this situation not seen. But in terms of not so memorable moments there have been a few things happening around, like in Central Japan's Ishikawa Perfecture there was downpour of dead tadpoles......yes you read that correct.....TADPOLES! I wonder if the frog community recently recieved a copy of "Its raining men" and decided that it was time they conquered mankind with a dose of their own, just forgetting one thing - that they needed to be alive not dead! But then, this was in Japan and these could have been Kamikaze Tadpoles who wanted success more than life.
In other news, the President of Zambia got peed on by a monkey, which would say a lot about his popularity there, making the statment taking a piss on to a next level altogether.
In about two months we will have the world's new shortest man who stands tall at a full 2 feet, and if you google him you can see how the little sport actual does pose to charm your hats off....just make sure u don't drop it on him.
A man started taking his clothes off mid flight on his way from Charlotter to LA, which meant the flight had to divert to about taking an expensive way to undress!!
And lastly, Air New Zealand has outdone British Airways (BA recently pleaded with its staff to work for free for a month as they could not sustain the costs) by asking the flight crew to ditch their clothes and used body paint instead but just to get people watch the inflight safety video (yeah I was this close to booking tickets on Air NZ too till I read the later part). Having watched a small clip of the video I would seriously ask Air New Zealand to make the crew wear normal clothes.
That was the news this week.....until next time, keep laughing!!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Researching Researches

Has anyone ever wondered why the government spends on researches as obvious as "smoking can cause death" or "cars that won't start when you're drunk will reduce drink driving". have read that right, these researches were given grants. There was actually money spent and people who apparently spent a good deal of time in universities not only completing their degrees but doing their PHDs working on this. Now I may not be a PHD but then I could really give them my two cents on these researches. I should probably start applying for grants for these kinds of researches too, I wonder what topic I should choose though. I have a few ideas, something like, "walking too much might be healthy but it will cause an ache in your foot" or "if we watch too much TV we might be just wasting time". If those ones could get a grant, I am pretty sure I should get one for my researches. There have actually been studies conducted for the following:
- Faraway Objects Are Tougher to See (No shit sherlock!)
- Swallowing More Than One Magnet is Dangerous (because magnets are so delicious..right!)
- Smoking Cigarettes Costs You Money (you don't say!!)
- Time Flies When You're Busy (Fly away by Lenny Kravitz anyone?)
- Combining Drugs and Alcohol is Bad For You (does this mean taking it individually is alright?)
- Gun-Toting Drivers are More Prone to Road Rage (who would have guessed that happening!!)
- Memory and Concentration Fade With Age (what were talking about again??????????)

So the next time someone close to you says something stupid, don't discount it as being stupid as you never know, there could be money made from it!

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Ok this entry again is for me....about me.....and is probably only going to be read by me. I have been meaning to write for sometime but I somehow get distracted by different things. TV comes among the top contenders for the distraction. Has anyone wondered what it is about mind numbing senseless TV shows that make us feel so good and happy? I mean I could sit through hours of shows like Family Guy, Simpsons, How I met your mother, Two and a half men which when you look back made and still not make any sense yet there is something about them that makes you go back and watch it.
The second on the brilliant list of distractions is Facebook. Yes, being addicted to facebook I CAN make ridicolous claims like, Facebook is the best thing to happen to the world since.....well since the internet. It keeps me entertained for hours with its senseless quizzes, the hilarious results bring out a smile 9 out of 10 times. Waiting for status updates, people commenting on your status, quiz results, the writings on the "wall". The best thing about is getting in touch with friends who you lost touch with years ago and the worst thing is people who you made sure you forgot finding you there. Truly the world has come closer at least for some because of Facebook or so is my view in any case.
The third reason on the list is nothing but procastination....a very very personal favourite hobby of mine. There is nothing more fun than procastinating where there is always time to do something and yet there is none. Just today I have pushed the urge to run, do a bit or work out and yet here I am making an entry after a few....well more than a few tries. So for this I deserve a pat on my back and if you really have the misfortune of reading this I can assure you it can't get any worse. But if you are anything like me you would be sitting in front of the TV or sitting on the computer logged in on facebook or doing both at the same time like me :)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

To Read or Not to Read

I am going to come out straight and say it out......People these days can't spell a sentence properly because they don't read anymore than that abbreviated monstrosity termed "TXTING", yes it does miss an "e" because guess what.....that "e" takes a bit too much of space. Yeah that "e" got punished for being too eager to expand the existing terms of agreement on space!! I have no clue what that line meant but if we look closely it has a lot of "e" there!!!!
The reasons for not reading can be many, why should I read a book when I can watch the movie which would eventually be made if it is such a damn fine book. I could be playing on my XBox/PS 3/Wii rather than sitting somewhere doing something as nerdy as reading. I am too stupid to read. I don't really know but someone told me the answer to all my problem reading related lie in one word ----- DYSLEXIA. Oh yes, the last reason has become somewhat of a popular choice of excuse/answer to ward off the evil notions of reading.
But to be fair to this lot who don't read, the whole notion of reading is being killed by our lack of imagination. We can't really keep anyone's attention for a whole 10 minutes and we are trying to get them to spend a few hours with a book. The only worse turn we have taken is to get over reading nice books, we have turned to Magazines. Ahh the blesses world of magazines where we get to start our introduction lesson into stalking. How you ask? Well when you start getting obsessed about what your favourite "star" eats, drinks, drives, where they dine, what colours they like, if they sleep on the left side or the right, then my friend you have started on that path. How would I know.....well lets not go there and just a word of advise, you should really switch off that light while you change, that's the last thing I wanted to see.
Coming back to magazines, it has now become your advisor on everything, it will tell you what to eat, how to get that six pack abs you have always wanted but spent too much time reading magazine to obtain it, how you can make the missus (broadly used includes girlfriends, wife, partner) scream for more. Yeah some of them have got porn stars to give you tips coz who else would know anything about that one than them. Another word of advise, stick to wild life and nature photography, you are pretty useless when it comes to clicking.
I have just noticed that I have written a bit more than even I would want to read so my last words here would be.....avoid the pain, just watch a movie for anyone who watched the "Da Vinci Code" was well punished for it.

As for some tips on out this space.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Of being spoilt but not rotten

Time and again, someone or the other always comes up to me and goes "You know what, you seem to be a nice guy but you are very spoilt...aren't you?". Now this isn't a question....or well doesn't seem to appear like one, coz I for one am not going to answer that in the postive yet I know that the remark is not entirely incorrect........I am a nice bloke to say the least.
Which brings me to the point as to what can be classified as "Spoilt". Is it when you have to have something you really want and end up getting it or is it when you throw the biggest, baddest and the shittest hissy fit to demand something which you want. If it is the previous one then I have to admit that I am partially guilty of being spoilt so to say. But if it is the later, then I am dead right in denying that I have anything even remotely close to be associated with that term. I mean that is just being spoilt rotten, yes there are apparently different variations of being spoilt or so I am told anyways.
Coming back to me being labelled Spoilt, it usually stems from people judging me on how I splurge money on items which I deem is essential and which they look at being luxury. How can spending on a TV (so its a 42 inch plasma...bite me), a mobile phone (am in the process of getting an iphone as my current contract has expired.....yes BECAUSE my current contract has expired!!), a nintendo Wii (everyone needs a gaming console.....its the core to being existent and in turn helping the economy.........of Japan, which has been pretty shit in recent times), a XBOX 360 (which I haven't bought yet but am thinking about it...again I am thinking about helping the economy...thank you very much) be viewed as being spoilt. In these turbulent times of the GFC, funny term that as in the beginning it always made me wonder what football club it was, the only way out is that if we start buying and thus pushing our economy to be back to its healthy state. If this noble cause is all that is required to be termed spoilt then my friends I totally accept the title and am very proud of it.

As of wanting things then and there and getting it, I totally lay the blame on the best two people in the whole wide Mum and Dad. I love you both! :)

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Life's a Pie

Welcome to Life's a pie. What does it mean? Heck I have no idea, it could be that they both look good from where you see it but sometimes they don't taste that awesome. I believe it has got to do something with the ingredients used. Think about it, both life and pie need some finger licking, tongue clicking, gut filling ingredients to make it worth it.
For those thinking this has something to do with food, I am sorry to disappoint you but it doesn't neither does it have anything to do with life....well not in the literal sense....although everything we do has to have something to do with life so we come back in a circle. Now if you think about it both life and pie always have a full circle to it. Interesting isn't it.
Disclaimer : This individual bears no responsibility to the writings in this blog as it has been created by this organ named "the brain". Anyone trying pick up ideas from here is free to do so as I wouldn't be able to stop you any how. People who are conservative might want to stay away from here as some things might offend them to no end.