Ho Ho Ho!! Its that time of the year again when Santa comes to town after being judgemental for the whole year. I really wonder how he judges if you have been naughty or nice.....does he have a nice swanky software which has a list of everyone on it and the little elves work the whole year putting ticks and crosses against the names. I wonder if Santa just looks at a report at the end of November or well probably a bit earlier to ensure who all gets the goodies. Then lies the question of where all the gifts are sourced from, are they made in North Pole or as is common nowadays everything is being imported from China and if it the later does that mean the poor elves who spent all their lifetime working in the gift factories have lost their jobs? Has recession affected our red robed beared fella also and the gifts this year would not be as awesome as the years past? Is someone in the accounts department going to play the grinch and add everyone on the naughty list? Well all we hope is that North Pole still remains unaffected from what is happening all around and that Santa remains as jolly and kind as he always used to be. Yes t'is the season to be merry and rejoice and so I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year.
P.S: All those who think Santa doesn't exist just don't want to share those cookies and milk with him.....you greedy cynics!! :D
A random string of thoughts.....which if you skim over might not make any sense but if you read it in depth there might be more to learn than you think. Life's really a pie as the best part is when you bite into it.