Monday, October 7, 2013

Mad Men and Cars Adverts

There was once a time I actually thought I would get into the world of advertisements, be that creative individual who brought products to life. Before you jump to conclusions and start going "must be a wanna be Don Draper", I would like to add that Mad Men was not made then and it was not for glamor. Turns out I am more functional than creative and looking at the current scene of advertisement that we currently are subjected to makes me glad I didn't go that so assumed "creative" lane.

It was not long ago that you saw commercials both TV and print and chances was you would be entertained, amused and had a feel good factor after watching it. Yeah sure there were those annoying ads which had a voice screaming at you and the balloons shaped people asking you to come down and get the bargain of your life, yes there were even some with men wearing skirts selling flowers and the annoying jingles selling carpets and curtains. Yes, they were still ads that made you cringe but then all of a sudden, you started watching short clips which made you, the consumer, feel like an idiot, it was like all the Ad men really did start thinking of themselves as Don Draper and took everyone including the consumer of the piece they were creating for granted. Some how in the whole realm of things the majority of these ad men seem to have landed up doing jigs for the automobile industry and maybe someone needs to tell the executives in these companies that they are investing their money creating commercials which are putting people off their cars. I have been asking the one question that no one ever seems to answer for me - Does getting a Kia automatically make a guy an asshole who starts to insult the girl he picks up for his first date? Or that car which you miss more than your family when you are stuck on a spaceship in outer space (can I say the way that dude acts, I think it was more of an insult to the spaceship program where ever that was than the actual audience). Or does getting a car of a certain brand , which in this case, is not even yours make you deny its a car but an Alfa Romeo......last I checked lady even an Alfa Romeo had 4 wheels, an engine and a steering wheel and did the same a bloody car does. Then most recently came another gem, which questioned if you in fact were a "yes" man and said yes to your boss, your wife, your work and how about saying No and buying a car....yeah coz in the dramatic financial market, a car is thing to help you with everything considering it depreciates almost 30% as it hits the road from the showroom.

All in all, if you are considering to buy a product and especially if that product happens to be car, don't rely on TV advertisement to sell the best option, it really does seem that the used car salesmen have become wannabe Don Drapers and we are now being subjected to dodgy sales everywhere we look.

Until next time, don't fall prey and keep smiling. :) 

Friday, July 12, 2013

Hello There......

So its been quite some time since I have last updated this space. Yes, I have become busy with that thing called life and in the scheme of all things irrelevant, some things that matter get forgotten. The very few, and I mean very few of the people who actually read what I write have sent me a nudge saying why I had not posted anything new. Well to them I say "Thank You" and the rest who just forgot me, well no hard feelings coz I didn't really remember you either.

So what did we miss while we were on a sabbatical? Oh yes, the end of the world was a dud affair and the only claim to fame for the Mayans is still the chocolate, yes the Mayans were one of the first to bring us the tasty treats (there were also the Aztecs, but Mel Gibson chose the Mayans for Apocalypto and well bad luck Aztecs) so all is forgiven.

There were quite a few things that happened which may not have directly affected us but always leave a mark on us all and no I am not talking about me having to move my apartment although that was one of the things that shook some of us....mainly me...OK only me. I had to move from my ocean view from the 25th floor to an ocean view from the 10th floor in a totally different building. Although the last three false fire alarms in the last 6 weeks has made me feel good about this little shift of floors.

The other things to happen is now I kind of know how twitter works, or so I try to tell myself having been on it for over a year now and it basically know expressing yourself briefly...very briefly....140 characters to be precise. I could make the excuse of it distracting me from writing but then it would be just excuse. Sometimes, it always good to take a break and come back fresh apart from it being some what of a habit of mine here.

But now I am back I will least for a couple of months before that thing called life takes over. I don't know about you all, but I have missed you. Until next time, keep smiling. :)