Friday, July 12, 2013

Hello There......

So its been quite some time since I have last updated this space. Yes, I have become busy with that thing called life and in the scheme of all things irrelevant, some things that matter get forgotten. The very few, and I mean very few of the people who actually read what I write have sent me a nudge saying why I had not posted anything new. Well to them I say "Thank You" and the rest who just forgot me, well no hard feelings coz I didn't really remember you either.

So what did we miss while we were on a sabbatical? Oh yes, the end of the world was a dud affair and the only claim to fame for the Mayans is still the chocolate, yes the Mayans were one of the first to bring us the tasty treats (there were also the Aztecs, but Mel Gibson chose the Mayans for Apocalypto and well bad luck Aztecs) so all is forgiven.

There were quite a few things that happened which may not have directly affected us but always leave a mark on us all and no I am not talking about me having to move my apartment although that was one of the things that shook some of us....mainly me...OK only me. I had to move from my ocean view from the 25th floor to an ocean view from the 10th floor in a totally different building. Although the last three false fire alarms in the last 6 weeks has made me feel good about this little shift of floors.

The other things to happen is now I kind of know how twitter works, or so I try to tell myself having been on it for over a year now and it basically know expressing yourself briefly...very briefly....140 characters to be precise. I could make the excuse of it distracting me from writing but then it would be just excuse. Sometimes, it always good to take a break and come back fresh apart from it being some what of a habit of mine here.

But now I am back I will least for a couple of months before that thing called life takes over. I don't know about you all, but I have missed you. Until next time, keep smiling. :)