So its almost the end of January and the point where we all start our conversations with...."Where did this month go??"...with that expressionless look on our faces ensuring that the other person gets the hint that it is but just a rhetoric question and you do not in any situation want a further discussion on it. Yes, the first month of the year is almost over and by now so should your obsession with your resolutions, if you have still stuck to it full credit to you and remember if you can carry it past March you can rave about it on all the social media platforms but till then please refrain.
If you haven't been following what's happening in the world or some parts of it well you may learn a thing or two in the next five minutes, any longer and you need to enroll in those speed reading courses, any less and you haven't given a damn about what I wrote and are wondering why you even click on the link.
So firstly no I won't be giving out what's wrong with this world and the celebrity deaths, you can read about that on google, I just talk about weird little things and that's where I will stick to with this. Now that, that is over.....over the last few days twitter went into a bit of entertaining frenzy when a rapper named B.o.B had a little bit of a realization and channeled into the 15th century notion (or it could have been before or after...I don't do that good with anything before the last 35 years) that the earth is flat and how we have been hoodwinked into believing that it isn't. This out of this world notion was picked up by none other than the very own Pluto hating astro-celeb Neil DeGrasse Tyson (naah he's pretty cool though) and after a bit of back and forth we ended up with a couple of rap songs and that was that.....the good news is that unlike the middle ages or before (again you can google stuff) this time no one was tortured and killed for holding different views.
While all this happened, Kanye did something strange, had a twitter beef with Wiz Khalifa....actually listed 17 points or more of what needs to happen and when, all normal things considering Kanye is involved. The Oscar nominations were announced and the theme for this year was the same as the policy that Australia had between the 50s to the early 70s in terms of its immigration. Here's to Leonardo winning at least this time.
There was a snow storm in NYC which could not be termed a record breaking storm because it fell short of an inch, talk about snow storm teases. The lamb advertisement for this year's Australia Day was pretty hilarious and pissed off the vegans and vegetarians who really give these ads way more attention than the rest of Australia who watches it laughs and goes and gets a steak or fried chicken. The automobile ads are still shit as ever, if you haven't noticed, these are one of my pet peeves.
And that friends was the month of January. If the rest of the year goes the same way, we might as well call it the ground hog year. Until next time...keep smiling. :)