One of these issues that has been going around for sometime now is the Gay Marriage one, where for every 3 requests you get to support the cause there is one which tells you how GOD is going to punish you if you even as little as think about giving support to the same sex alliances. Now, if you ask me I don't give a two cent if two people of the same sex want to get married, as quite frankly there are far more serious issues like my personal poverty wherein I can't afford to buy that PS3 that I have been looking at for the last one year and have seen a newer model come in the space of then and now. So you can see the dilemmas I am enduring while there are people who want me to join a group at the risk of taking on the Gods. Now I am not that spiritual but even I know that of everyone, and I mean everyone including Obi-Wan Kenobi (now wasn't he gay.....and now I have offended all the Star Wars fanatic) and God, you don't piss off God. Not because he can strike you down with lightening, that's not intimidating, no, its the suffering that has got me worried.
The whole thing in my opinion has gone a bit overboard with the politicial leaders getting involved and after a few of them getting very vocal against it have been caught out having that sneaky nookie with surprise surprise.....a person of the same sex! Talk about taking things to the next level to prove it wrong but I would say that this would be going a bit overboard. So I guess if you go gay just by objecting to two guys/girls marrying, then I think I am better off saying "Wish a wonderful and gay life to both of you and may the both the husband and husband or wife and wife live happily ever after". Now that we have covered the political aspect, lets move on to the religious one. The one thing that brings leaders of all the world's religion together has turned out to be homosexuality. A couple of years ago, there was a joint procession held by the religious leaders of the Christian, Jewish and Islamic community in Jerusalem where they all banded together to condemn homosexuality and tell the world about the evils of being gay. Yes it took a group of homosexuals to get those mostly bearded bunch to agree on something and actually stand side by side together on an issue. The one thing that surprises me is why the Church should be so against this as by reading the news in the last few years, I thought quite a few of the gays folks got initiated while attending services as little boys.
Now even though I find the whole phenomenon a bit odd, I am certainly not going to judge someone by their preferences of a partner and piss off people like Elton John, George Michael, Tom Cruise....what Tom's not a gay you say? Well anyone that short who jumps on couches in front of millions of people and is not retarded is gay. I'll let you decide that one.
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