Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Word Block

There's nothing more annoying than when you set out to write something and you have typed in two sentences and then run out of ideas, words or just your sense of stringing a few more sentences. I have been meaning to update the blog but due to some unavoidable, unforeseen circumstances I just can't come up with any ideas on what to write on. Somehow, somewhere all the good old entertainment seems to have gone the way Britney Spears career has - down the dumps. I didn't really ever imagine myself even contemplating this but I am starting to miss her "Oops I did it again" antics. Although, behold there has been a better substitute in none other than the man himself - Charlie "Bow to me you regular people" Sheen. The holier than thou, messiah of the small screen, drama queen of this new decade (would win the prize for 2011 hands down, if not the whole decade) Mr. Sheen has had enough of people telling him not to have fun and booze and drugs and let him live his life as it is - a Rock stars one!
Anyways coming back to point, there is nothing more annoying than trying to jot down a few words and then everything comes to halt as you can't think of anything. So, till I get over this amateur writer's block, you might have to bear with me and read updates which just are left incomplete................................................................

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