Time and again, every now and then, there is that question which troubles most of us....no I am not referring to the which came first the chicken or the egg, hell I wouldn't give two thoughts about it as long as it is deliciously cooked. No, it isn't why did the chicken cross the road either.....I am seriously starting to feel for the chickens now, not only do they have to turn into food, their every move is under the scanner, the poor critters. The question is "What the hell am I doing with my life", now it doesn't have to be in those same words, some people who try to be sophisticated describe it with "What is the purpose of life", as if putting in those words makes it easier to get the answer to the penultimate question of "Who wants to be a Millionaire" except the winner doesn't get the million dollars but at least knows the "purpose" of their existence.
We all try and cover up this hole in different ways, some mask it with being philosophical about it, some turn to God, some to spirituality, some to drugs, some to things which further confuses the jebesus out of their lives like Scientology, others usually make up for it in the good ol' American way of living.....Consumerism. Oh yeah, God Bless America and consumerism for if we have all the material things in life why else would we be complaining about a question that can't even make you win a million dollars in a reality show where that kid off the slum got nicked by the police for answering all the questions correctly. Oh wait...that was a movie and not real by any accounts, my apologies. Still, buying stuff we don't need and would not use after two days really does solve our problems because for those two days we get so busy trying to work it out we don't have time to think and then comes the part where the credit card bills start to come in and you realise that the thing you just bought requires you to work hard for the next couple of months to pay off keeping you away from the product and in turn from thinking about that dreaded question. When the product is paid off, out comes a new one which you just can't resist but to buy and we are off in the, dare I say, vicious circle.
All this writing really brings me to the question, "why the hell am I writing this?" and if you have read it thus far, this would be the perfect time to start thinking about what in the world were you thinking of continuing to read past the four lines.
In any case, if you do find out the answer to "THE" question, please pass it along, remember you are not going to win a million dollars for it and if you do, it probably is leprechauns gold.
A random string of thoughts.....which if you skim over might not make any sense but if you read it in depth there might be more to learn than you think. Life's really a pie as the best part is when you bite into it.
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