Thursday, December 31, 2015

Ho Ho H......Hopey New Year

Its that time of the year again, the time when you are still squeamish at the sight of food, the time when that piece of chocolate that once looked tempting now makes you gag, that time when the post festivity tummy just keeps telling you to stop and have a look at the mirror preferably.

Its that time of the year when you start telling things to I am not talking about the voices in the head...that is very normal and happens all round the year. Now before you start the whole self-realization-y (yes I did use the z instead of the s because this new continent has ruined my English but fret not my Oxford linguists this is but just a slight aberration from the normal) thingy, please note that there is another day left to enjoy before the whole madness of making a list to enhance (I could have used the word "better" but screw you I just used the word aberration and I don't even know what that means but it sounds really fancy) yourself starts and you get lost in the motivational posters plastered all across the social media sites you frequently visit. You would have effectively blown away your first resolution that to limit your time on the social media sites because how else would you let your friends and random strangers know that you have resolutions for this new coming year! Where will you post these amazing motivational memes that you worked so hard to find to state "That the time spent with your close friends far outweigh that spent in front of the monitor".

If you did in fact go and look in the mirror you might want to join the gym, yes this is perhaps the best time to own/run/scam a gym and then you can close it around April by paying out those two annoying sign-ups who persist on coming out to work out inspite of the honeymoon period being over. This will also be a time when the vegetable stocks will be bullish (wait bull is the the good upward one and bear is the snoozey falling one right?) and we will all go on this Paleo/Clean Eating/Juicing/Hunter Gatherer stuff and after a week of eating non fried fast foods will hate themselves and everyone around them because if it was not for people why would I even want to look good? By the way liking more people will still not figure on this list because no one likes people anyways....all they do is complain and shout and yell and wallow. No liking people is not going to be on the list and deservedly so.

Now before you feel all dejected and dastardly.....I swear I did not just buy a dictionary and these words are just coming through my head by itself....don't lose hope, for hope is what makes the world go round...yes hope and money because I am not even remotely going to challenge Liza Minnelli on this. So here's hoping that in the New Year we set out and achieve what we want (terms and conditions apply), that we do start to like people and cut down on the hate; that we do strive to be healthy and fit but do it for ourselves than to show it to others, that we do love the things that are important to us and ensure we get them. That this new year will have (profanity alert) has a lot more of "fuck yeahs!" and a lot less of "fuck this!" and that common sense prevails over the rabid hatred.

I hope you all have had a great holiday season and have a great year coming ahead and keep smiling. :)

P.S: I do know what aberration means but then that could be an aberration in itself.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

The Day of the "Man"

So I just found out that, we have an International Day of the Man. Oh yeah baby, just so we didn't feel like we were being left behind, we went and got ourselves a whole day to celebrate our gender. Finally a day where we can celebrate being what we are.....Men! A day where we tell the world that we have had enough of all these discrimination we face day in and day out just because we have a XY chromosome. Discrimination such as......errrr.....gimme a we can't play video games without being harassed or how throwing the garbage is somehow our responsibility or how no one appreciates all that catcalling in the streets. Does anyone even realise how much effort, courage and creativity it takes to scream at random women walking down the street minding their own business.
We finally have a day where we can rejoice spending that little extra cash we earn without having to be reminded that we earn more than that other gender. We can celebrate in the fact that the meninist or mennist or however that is spelt, have been a discriminated section who just wanted to show a girl who macho they were/are by bullying them into being loved.
How we can......ermmm.....Okay I am out of ideas of what else can be celebrated and I belong to the XY chromosome crew. So ladies, if you can just appreciate us for one day that would be great.

By the way I don't know if it is just coincidence or if the women were up to this or because its like we love spending way too much time there but the day that we celebrate being a man also happens to be "World Toilet Day", the latter actually has a bigger purpose though. I "shit" you not!

Friday, November 13, 2015

A cup of controversy.......

So a few days ago, my spidey senses (super power does not actually exist and is overstated here) started to tingle, I knew there was some sort of ridiculous commotion going on but what was it this time? So I log on to twitter, my most trusted source of public rants and on occasions the news, please note that the news it more credible than whatever you would find on Fox news unless of course you are on the Fox news account but if you are you're probably an insane lunatic anyways. Twitter then directed me critical information that the latest controversy was but because of a cup....and not just any cup but it was the cup. NO we are not talking about the chalice so keep those Dan Brown books back on the shelves. No the source of the controversy was Starbucks and not because of their distasteful coffee or the fact that you can never get your name right on the cup....even if you spell it out for them....and your name only consists of four letters. No the culprit here was a red cup....a red cup which had no design on it whatsoever. A cup so plain that some of the public started to forget that Christmas was but on its way. Oh Starbucks how could you do this, for we the people can put up with the inconsistent taste of the black water you throw our way.....we can take our wrong spelled the point where I at times don't know if there was a real Arthur who's order has been coming my way. What was I talking about.....oh yes, how could you give us a cup where there is no hint of celebration, and then use the colour red....the official colour of Satan in all his/her glory. The comments found online were varied from hilarious to downright dumb with a Presidential candidate actually throwing his opinion on the very subject and ending up in the downright dumb pile. There will be no points given for guessing the names. Also I am not going to be stating any of those comments here because reading some of them actually dropped my IQ levels a few notch, I suspect if I went looking for it again I might reach that time space continuum (I totally googled the time space continuum bit and apparently its space-time or whatever) and go back to being a neanderthal.

Anyways so the next time you go over to a Starbucks to order that Peppermint Mocha (I have not been paid by Starbucks to write this but all generous donations are welcomes), when they ask for your name....just say your name is "Christmas". If they for some reason get it right then my friend you have won. Now if you excuse me I need to go rant about how I missed watching the latest episode of the Big Bang Theory because of that wretched red cup.

Monday, November 2, 2015

The Wandering Mind

So I woke up this morning at 5:30 and that was partly due to Daylight Savings kicking in and ruining my already volatile sleeping habit but then at some point during the point where I was trying to go back to sleep and contemplating things, as you do when you wake up at these weird hours, and my mind wandered off to a series of things happening on social media. I have tried to keep my time on Facebook at the minimum these days because if it is not inundated with game requests, there's always someone feeling mighty ticked off about something or the other and while it actually does not bother me much, I have started to notice that there seems to be a lot of polarization going on which I try and ignore because as most mother's almost all across the world have taught their children at one point or the other that if you cannot say a good thing about someone, do not say anything (I am guilty of breaking this rule only when it gets to the right wing idiots, stupid extremist bigots and false nationalists who have done nothing good for their nations...and there I go again but I do believe that exception is valid).
Now I do realise it is the internet and there is no stopping anyone and for most parts it is a free world where people have free speech. The first time that notion hit you was when you first saw the comments section of any website. Yes that is when you knew when given an opportunity some section of the human race will bear their inner most animal out and use the choicest words ever. Heck, I have seen two random strangers fighting on a YouTube video over something inane and it basically was a refresher course in swearing.
Any how the way things stand today or the way it seems it does, is either you stand with one section or automatically get associated with the other, there isn't that little space where you are just in your own corner judging everyone for being so just aren't give that choice.
So what is my point here, well my point is that whatever happens, don't take things for granted even if it means breaking that polite etiquette mum taught us but the most important point is that Daylight Saving still is irrelevant and all its good for is messing up your body clock and making the next 6 months of your evenings a depressing mess and that if you do wake up at 5:30 am, probably do some breathing exercise to go back to sleep rather than think about random things. 

Monday, October 19, 2015

Guess who's back...back again

Yes yes is I and I am back to pen a few more thoughts after a massive hiatus. It really has been quite some time but then a lot of things have been happening that made things chaotic to take out and ramble about stuff online. I moved countries and decided it was apt to go right to the other side of the world where day becomes night night becomes day, the weather follows weird norms like being hot in July and cold in December and all that.

Anyways I am back and this time I am going to try and be a little more consistent till that thing called life takes over again and throws the spanner in the works, but for now lets be positive.

So what have I missed giving my two cents on in the last one year and some......a lot really....we have had a lot of screw ups by the elected governments around the world most of them making us realise we are as dumb as......we as dumb as the Politicians thought we would be to elect them. We have a display of how less we care about "humanity" on show throughout the world and then you hear some good stories and that hope that possibility of things turning good still remains.

I did miss writing on a few things that happened and just jotting down my take of it, like when that douche of a creature who raised the prices of a medicine from $6 to something ridiculous and then was trying to be smug about being good at business....well hopefully karma gets him sooner in life and he realises how much of a burden he is to mankind.

Any how be tuned in for there is going to be things coming up.....

Stay happy and keep smiling :)