So a few days ago, my spidey senses (super power does not actually exist and is overstated here) started to tingle, I knew there was some sort of ridiculous commotion going on but what was it this time? So I log on to twitter, my most trusted source of public rants and on occasions the news, please note that the news it more credible than whatever you would find on Fox news unless of course you are on the Fox news account but if you are you're probably an insane lunatic anyways. Twitter then directed me critical information that the latest controversy was but because of a cup....and not just any cup but it was the cup. NO we are not talking about the chalice so keep those Dan Brown books back on the shelves. No the source of the controversy was Starbucks and not because of their distasteful coffee or the fact that you can never get your name right on the cup....even if you spell it out for them....and your name only consists of four letters. No the culprit here was a red cup....a red cup which had no design on it whatsoever. A cup so plain that some of the public started to forget that Christmas was but on its way. Oh Starbucks how could you do this, for we the people can put up with the inconsistent taste of the black water you throw our way.....we can take our wrong spelled the point where I at times don't know if there was a real Arthur who's order has been coming my way. What was I talking about.....oh yes, how could you give us a cup where there is no hint of celebration, and then use the colour red....the official colour of Satan in all his/her glory. The comments found online were varied from hilarious to downright dumb with a Presidential candidate actually throwing his opinion on the very subject and ending up in the downright dumb pile. There will be no points given for guessing the names. Also I am not going to be stating any of those comments here because reading some of them actually dropped my IQ levels a few notch, I suspect if I went looking for it again I might reach that time space continuum (I totally googled the time space continuum bit and apparently its space-time or whatever) and go back to being a neanderthal.
Anyways so the next time you go over to a Starbucks to order that Peppermint Mocha (I have not been paid by Starbucks to write this but all generous donations are welcomes), when they ask for your name....just say your name is "Christmas". If they for some reason get it right then my friend you have won. Now if you excuse me I need to go rant about how I missed watching the latest episode of the Big Bang Theory because of that wretched red cup.
Anyways so the next time you go over to a Starbucks to order that Peppermint Mocha (I have not been paid by Starbucks to write this but all generous donations are welcomes), when they ask for your name....just say your name is "Christmas". If they for some reason get it right then my friend you have won. Now if you excuse me I need to go rant about how I missed watching the latest episode of the Big Bang Theory because of that wretched red cup.
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