I am now officially sick and tired of all the people complaining how they are stuck in Europe and can't fly out and come back to their work. Yeah right....coz you are so sick of holiday that the last thing you would like is another few days out there with a valid reason for not starting your work on the next day after you're back. I can imagine a few of my friends who have been stuck in Amsterdam complaining how much they are hating it that they can't leave and come back here so that they can enjoy doing things they could do legally there illegally. Yeah, I can imagine the couples in Paris or Berne or Vienna complaining how shitty it is to be stuck in those cities. Oh yes damn that ash cloud and that volcano somewhere in Iceland in a place with a name so hard to spell or pronounce that you would just like to call it "that volcano place that screwed up the budget airlines of Europe" (for the one who love details the place is called Eyjafjallajokull and its damn hard to type it down too) . Although if we look at it that dreaded ash cloud hasn't really stopped everyone from travelling though, it was reported that John Cleese (from the hilarious comedy Fawlty Towers and the Monty Python) paid 3300 Pounds on a cab to get from Oslo to Brussels, talk about showing off your money. The Barcelona FC is also gearing up to take the bus down from Barcelona to Milan to play Inter Milan for the semifinal of the Champions League and here's hoping that Inter thrashes them to get to the finals! So its not really all gloomy if you are stuck there....its only like that if you are poor and stuck there, and as we all know and have learned over the years......well no one gives any thought for the poor. Sad but true.So if you are stuck in Europe right now, my advice is that you live it up, no need spending that hard earned money on hotels after all you only need to that to bunk up at night and why sleep when there's soo much to do! Hitch hike a ride to Mykonos and you could be partying all day and all night! Just remember that its a "Holiday" and that they usually don't come around that often and you should be set to go!
P.S: A friend just gave this link to the amazing photos from Eyjafja......u know that place...
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