A week ago an Iranian cleric shot off his mouth claiming that women showing their cleavages and wearing short skirts caused the earthquakes the world is now experiencing. This apparently did not go down well with......well with most of us as on the sound of it it does sound a bit ridiculous but then a lot of people of religious clout claim things like that, and as I remember some televangelist also claimed something similar when the earthquake in Haiti has struck. Rev. Pat Robertson claimed that the earthquake which almost entirely took out Haiti was caused because the people of Haiti made a pact with the devil.......in the 18th century......yes you read that right, the pact with Mr. Satan himself done a few centuries ago. Now I am the sort of person who hardly finds anything weird in the weirdness that occurs or comes out of that speaking passage most of us refer to as a mouth, but even I start scratching my head when people like the two mentioned above come up with such ideas. I mean earthquakes being caused by pacts done with the devil centuries ago or women wearing provocative clothes are the things which would mean that life is almost over for two categories of human existence....one being the Gothic, those devil worshipping dressed all in black and oddly painting their nails black too; and the other well.....the male species in general or the French people in particular. If you haven't heard or have been living in a hole for the last six months you might have heard the talks about how the French government thinks its downright outrageous for women to wear anything that covers parts of modesty. I can already imagine Sarkosy cringe at the thought of it and well lets not even dare imagine the thoughts of the Silvio Berlusconi (the Italian Prime Minister....thought I would add this info for the sake of those hole dwellers) on this.
Apparently all this did not go down well with the feminists either and one of the came up with a spectacular idea of creating an event on Facebook and named it Boobquake (sic.) where she urged all women of all races and types (the hot and the not so hot and the down right uglies all united) to wear a top or a short depending on the preferences which left very little to everyone's imagination on the 26th of April and see if it really caused a quake or even a tremor. This grew into a cult and had almost 200,000 women vowing to bare their chest. Now comes the worrying bit.....as all these women went on their little research experiment, a tremor did hit in Taiwan and it was measured a 6.5 on the Richter scale. Although the creator of Boobquake is still defiant, I have doubts creeping out of me and therefore have made it a point not to look at anyone not covered from head to toe from now on.
The world has suddenly turned a new page in weirdness and if women can't wear what they wish to and if some people, albeit in the 18th century and long way past dead now, can't make pacts with the devil, what is the point of living in it. Stephen King this week went on claiming how Aliens did exist but it is better that we don't contact them for our safety, but I think they do know we exist and are not contacting us for their safety as even they can't bring on earthquake so easily as by stripping off their clothes or having their ancestors seal their doom hundreds of years ago.
hahahahaha...good one, mate