Ok, so after I posted my last entry there was an eerie silence, now don't get me wrong I am not implying that my posts create a buzz abuzz but still I get a few comments from random methods of communication letting me know that I had done a decent job or that I should go back to school and learn how to write again or the odd are you serious you wrote that and lets not forget the...what are you smoking these days and why have.....well you get the drift. So when there was a bit of silence it had me wondering if people really appreciated it that much that I had somehow left them awe-stricken dumbfounded state where words could not explain how brilliant the piece was.....and then I remembered I had written it and check the visitors graph thingy page which helps me track the 5 people who visit this page.....a few months ago there was about 50 hits on the page which had me a little awe-stricken and dumbfounded till I was informed how this friend of mine had to jump back in about 10 times to read one entry coz he/she (yes I will keep everyone guessing) read like they were in kindergarten (and then there was one...less visitor here). Anyhow I digress, as usual, so I checked and saw that there were quite a few hits so people had most likely out of sheer curiosity come to the blog (and then regretted it) and would have read a few lines if not the whole thing and then it happened, I got a mail from a friend asking me if I was fine and if being single was affecting me, a question that made me laugh for ages (no seriously it did) and then there was a whatsapp message telling me how they liked the article yet my humour seems to be depreciating like the polar caps and I should probably go find my mojo (sic)....which obviously reminded me of Austin Powers and I had another round of laughter session. I also got a couple of genuine compliments (again it was written ones and I being the nice person seem to take people on their word...which reminded me of Bee Gees and their version of the song "words" and made me smile) and now after all this I really have no idea what I started with. Wait...yeah, that's right.....so one of the feedback I got and this was actually in person, was about how the whole thing is way out of proportion (not my words) and that he (lets face it you would have expected it to be a he anyways) totally agrees that its all about commercialisation and has nothing to do with love and then gave me a spiel on the whole love being shallow and all the while I could just imagine that person being a Grinch....and wondered if the Grinch ever got bored of stealing Christmas and started hijacking other occasions. What would happen if Grinch stole valentine's day? I guess all the flowers would somehow just disappear on the day, the restaurants close due to unforeseen reasons, the chocolates....ok lets not mess with the chocolates. What would happen to the cheesiness of the situations that are played out on the day, the spoiling your loved one would have to happen on another day (kinda works out as why would you limit it to one day if you really do love them and want to spoil them) and what else.....it's been sometime since I have done this as is evident and regret it I do not even once. So what do you think would happen if the Grinch ever stole valentine's day and what would you do to get it back? Share your thoughts.....and you can be expressive, no one is judging. :)
A random string of thoughts.....which if you skim over might not make any sense but if you read it in depth there might be more to learn than you think. Life's really a pie as the best part is when you bite into it.
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