So it's that time of the year where people go all mushy and weird and pretend to bring on their rom-game on. Apparently also the time where the break-ups go flying through the roof coz the stress of keeping up with the trend just doesn't hold up for some. Yes, its that time of the year that was meant to celebrate Saint Valentine but we now celebrate the love of commercialism in form of flowers, sweets, gifts and fancy dinners. Now, before you go ahead and group me with the cynical lot, may I add that I have no qualms with people celebrating love and contrary to my single status I do believe that love should be celebrated but only when there is love. What started as a day to celebrate love has now become a whole week, with people coming up with days like propose day, chocolate day, teddy bear day, hug day, kiss day leading to the the final day itself (I could have missed something but that is because twitter is my sources for this particular thing). So now Hallmark has not one but quite a few days to cash in on the emotions of people who when have an extra dollar are happy to spend that dollar and a half just to prove that they can out do that next person. Gone are the days when a mix-tape and a box of chocolates would make be an ideal apparently these days its all about that chic perfume or the designer accessories or that little piece of expensive cloth (no one really knows what purpose it serves) from Hermes. That followed by a nice dinner at a fancy place which you probably need to book at least a month in advance or spend the evening and probably the next few months listening to how so and so took so and so to the so and so place. If only this was the case, nowadays things have changed and even the guys expect the shabangg on the day, they want some fancy gift and love showered on them and behave in a way that Chuck Norris would and should definitely get upset and pulverise half the universe. Actually now I am beginning to wonder if Chuck Norris celebrate Valentine's Day or if Saint Valentine actually celebrated Chuck Norris day when he walked the earth? Some questions, I reckon, are better left unanswered. So ladies and gents, my two cent advice to you is, enjoy the day, celebrate the love you have, don't go overboard with the fancy stuff coz true love is being true to yourself.
Keep Smiling :)
Keep Smiling :)
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