So, as usual, there has been a zillion things going through my head most of which has no head or tail, now before you run you imaginations wild let me be clear that it is only thoughts I am talking about and there are no parasitic bodies swimming through my head, not that I am aware of anyways.
So along with all these mindless thoughts, that keep you awake, you come across things that make you wonder even more, for instance has anyone wondered how that 0.1% of germ never gets killed by any of the cleaning products and yet no one has still come up with the 100% formula. OK so you may think I am being pedantic so lets move on to another example, why do people over-complicate things which then makes it harder for them to think and then all hell breaks loose, where am I going with this? Read on, and it shall be clear. So what is it that makes us complicate a simple such as a simple text and then make it to be a one wrong word and your dead game? Why does a text have to mean a million things when it simply is a "Whatcha doin" one? Now, last I checked the answer to that question was usually a "nothing much" or if you wanted to be more specific you answered with that and not "hmmmm....why does he/she want to do know what I am doing? Does he/she like me or is this just to check if I have a social life or not?". The fact that it took you two days to answer that makes it awkward for the person sending the message and now he/she is confused to as what happened and if the whole message was taken out of context (which it in fact was and how) and if it should be something which should ever be repeated. There are many of us who just like to be friendly and connect with people and in times like these it is sadly taken in a wrong way and you doubt if being friendly is such a good thing after all. Then comes the notion that if someone replies to your text or for that matter even mail after so and so time you shall not reply immediately for that would make you seem desperate........desperate for what exactly is my question. The last I checked if I wanted to date someone, I would ask them out on a date and most likely physically present or at least on the phone and not on text. Has the whole realm of dating changed and I am not privy to it or am I the reading things wrong. In this age of social networking where a man was asked to apologise daily for a month to his estranged wife for posting comments about her on his Facebook profile or go to jail suggests that not only are we taking our problems to the public even our justice system is being ridiculed. The fact that Willi Wonka was termed eccentric is coming back to haunt us and prove that there is that bit of eccentricity in all of us. How that was relevant to my argument does not concern you. So, are we losing the plot of forming relationships even the basic ones of friendship and causing us more anxiety than is needed. Are we in this age to instant everything from food to messaging gone so impatient that we can't wait for things to happen? That we are so consumed with ourselves that we can't see anything as just being nice and simple and that it means just what it says nothing more nothing less?
So the questions becomes endless and the answer far and few, yet one thing I am sure of, is that whatever the answers may be the foundation of any relationship is built on trust and loyalty and if I have offered you a hand in friendship these two things would have come along with it, test it at any given time. Till the next time, keep smiling. :)
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