Sunday, May 24, 2009

Of being spoilt but not rotten

Time and again, someone or the other always comes up to me and goes "You know what, you seem to be a nice guy but you are very spoilt...aren't you?". Now this isn't a question....or well doesn't seem to appear like one, coz I for one am not going to answer that in the postive yet I know that the remark is not entirely incorrect........I am a nice bloke to say the least.
Which brings me to the point as to what can be classified as "Spoilt". Is it when you have to have something you really want and end up getting it or is it when you throw the biggest, baddest and the shittest hissy fit to demand something which you want. If it is the previous one then I have to admit that I am partially guilty of being spoilt so to say. But if it is the later, then I am dead right in denying that I have anything even remotely close to be associated with that term. I mean that is just being spoilt rotten, yes there are apparently different variations of being spoilt or so I am told anyways.
Coming back to me being labelled Spoilt, it usually stems from people judging me on how I splurge money on items which I deem is essential and which they look at being luxury. How can spending on a TV (so its a 42 inch plasma...bite me), a mobile phone (am in the process of getting an iphone as my current contract has expired.....yes BECAUSE my current contract has expired!!), a nintendo Wii (everyone needs a gaming console.....its the core to being existent and in turn helping the economy.........of Japan, which has been pretty shit in recent times), a XBOX 360 (which I haven't bought yet but am thinking about it...again I am thinking about helping the economy...thank you very much) be viewed as being spoilt. In these turbulent times of the GFC, funny term that as in the beginning it always made me wonder what football club it was, the only way out is that if we start buying and thus pushing our economy to be back to its healthy state. If this noble cause is all that is required to be termed spoilt then my friends I totally accept the title and am very proud of it.

As of wanting things then and there and getting it, I totally lay the blame on the best two people in the whole wide Mum and Dad. I love you both! :)

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