Sunday, February 26, 2012

Taming the Train of Thoughts

So, as usual, there has been a zillion things going through my head most of which has no head or tail, now before you run you imaginations wild let me be clear that it is only thoughts I am talking about and  there are no parasitic bodies swimming through my head, not that I am aware of anyways. 
So along with all these mindless thoughts, that keep you awake, you come across things that make you wonder even more, for instance has anyone wondered how that 0.1% of germ never gets killed by any of the cleaning products and yet no one has still come up with the 100% formula. OK so you may think I am being pedantic so lets move on to another example, why do people over-complicate things which then makes it harder for them to think and then all hell breaks loose, where am I going with this? Read on, and it shall be clear. So what is it that makes us complicate a simple such as a simple text and then make it to be a one wrong word and your dead game? Why does a text have to mean a million things when it simply is a "Whatcha doin" one? Now, last I checked the answer to that question was usually a "nothing much" or if you wanted to be more specific you answered with that and not "hmmmm....why does he/she want to do know what I am doing? Does he/she like me or is this just to check if I have a social life or not?". The fact that it took you two days to answer that makes it awkward for the person sending the message and now he/she is confused to as what happened and if the whole message was taken out of context (which it in fact was and how) and if it should be something which should ever be repeated. There are many of us who just like to be friendly and connect with people and in times like these it is sadly taken in a wrong way and you doubt if being friendly is such a good thing after all. Then comes the notion that if someone replies to your text or for that matter even mail after so and so time you shall not reply immediately for that would make you seem desperate........desperate for what exactly is my question. The last I checked if I wanted to date someone, I would ask them out on a date and most likely physically present or at least on the phone and not on text. Has the whole realm of dating changed and I am not privy to it or am I the reading things wrong. In this age of social networking where a man was asked to apologise daily for a month to his estranged wife for posting comments about her on his Facebook profile or go to jail suggests that not only are we taking our problems to the public even our justice system is being ridiculed. The fact that Willi Wonka was termed eccentric is coming back to haunt us and prove that there is that bit of eccentricity in all of us. How that was relevant to my argument does not concern you. So, are we losing the plot of forming relationships even the basic ones of friendship and causing us more anxiety than is needed. Are we in this age to instant everything from food to messaging gone so impatient that we can't wait for things to happen? That we are so consumed with ourselves that we can't see anything as just being nice and simple and that it means just what it says nothing more nothing less? 
So the questions becomes endless and the answer far and few, yet one thing I am sure of, is that whatever the answers may be the foundation of any relationship is built on trust and loyalty and if I have offered you a hand in friendship these two things would have come along with it, test it at any given time. Till the next time, keep smiling. :)

Monday, February 20, 2012

Back to the Future.....Advice

The internet is full of entertainment, full of mystery, full of things which you come across and it makes you wonder. Yeah, this is going to be a change from my usual ramblings, where I drift off on a tangent....wait that might still happen, I can't guarantee that, but this might make more sense to most of us than my other pieces do, which may or may not entertain you if you really come here for the ramblings.
So any how, a few weeks ago I stumbled upon a podcast posted on twitter (which is awesome if you want to keep blabbering without anyone judging you...its like screaming out in the dark with no fear of who's listening) and I usually don't listen to podcasts which are not music related but somehow the topic interested me, it piqued my curiosity and it was refreshingly fresh to listen to it. The topic was letters and I really wanted to hear out what the content was for letters have always been something which have intrigued me, the whole emotions when you receive it to the reading of it to reading it once more is just something which we have lost over the years, and then there it was, the most intriguing part of the podcast, where you write to a younger you and give some advice.

So it got me thinking (yes this is my space and mostly everything is about me!), why are blue M&Ms not that common and I don't really like the yellow ones, wait that is not what we were talking about....why did the chicken cross the road? No, I am just playing with you, what it really got me thinking was what would I write to the 20 year old me, what would my advice to the younger me be? I have always believed that every thing we do is an experience, something which makes us stronger, shapes our character and hopefully in the process makes us a bit wiser (going by this blog am sure that is doubtful). So then, what would I would definitely be that keep doing what you are doing, that don't give up on anything, your work, your life, your relationships, that there are going to be ups and downs but giving up should not be an option. I would tell my younger self that things change, people come and people go and that holding on to thoughts might not be such a good idea but hey I think that is something the younger me has to learn by experience. I would tell him not to stop believing in hope, even though the current me gets sceptical about a lot of things, that somehow things will fall in place. I am bit unsure of miracles happening now, but I might add it just to keep the hope up, I mean the kid has to look forward to things. The last thing I would tell the younger me is that don't be afraid to live life, that go out and do whatever it is that you feel like as life has to be experienced at its fullest.

The blog I am talking about is written by Reena Mumbai and has many interesting entries and can be found at The mentioned podcast

I know this is a slight deviation from my regular ramblings but it was an idea that kept resounding in my head to not write about. I do promise to get back to my random ramblings soon. In the meantime, please do share your views on what you would write to your younger self and what you feel about the whole thing. Till next time....keep smiling! :)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

The stare down and what's wrong with it

So men will be men and this was just shown by the First Gentlemen, the husband of the Finnish President who was caught by Princess Mary looking down her cleavage. Yes, the "First Gentlemen" is actually his title and yet by nature he was caught on camera looking at things which are deemed very un-gentlemanly! So, does that mean that the line "All men are bastards" that women keep saying is true? Well, it isn't but the way we display things, and some of it on the camera, you can't help but accept it that the women folks might have a point. So, what is it about staring at that area of women that gets most of the men in trouble.....I mean really Princess Mary?? I would have been a bit proud if it was someone hotter such as Miranda Kerr or even Kate Upton, but Mary? Seriously? Things must have been getting bad for that dude to stoop so low. The fact that it beat the new about the lady falling down the stairs while texting caught on national television is another thing which talks about how the whole pervert thing rules, and that inspite of being caught on camera that dude had the balls to act as if nothing had happened. The smug look on his face while pretending to look away was just the thing that women needed to tell all the men everywhere around the world that they were the ones to be blamed as it was the first "Gentlemen" doing it on prime time TV and his action defined that of everyone of us. Now, its not like no one has tried doing what he did, but there is a place and a way of doing something like that and staring outright with a face like that is out of bound and downright being a pervert even in our books. Thou shalt not be caught staring and if thy does then he shalt face the wrath so says the code. I really wonder how awkward the conversation would have become after the incident not only for the said people involved but also the Finnish President, am sure the talks would have "finished" by then and the whole Danish contingent would be looking to get the hell out of Finland, for if not for Nokia what else would they be able to provide them, not butter to say the least or chocolates. Whilst the women had a go at every male being for being the pervert that they probably are.....the men had to take solace that at least being thrown into being important does not affect the pervertedness and that even if you are granted titles such being the "First Gentleman" you are in fact still the brother from the hood who can't resist looking down the blouse and while trying to avoid the situation have a smug face that probably needs to be slapped to get that expression off it. So gentlemen next time if you do intend to stare make sure you are not on national television and ensure that you don't have some lame ass title as First Gentleman coz you are infact just a punk ass senior citizen who is going to be called a pervert for the rest of your existence. And ladies, if Princess Mary is going to be the victim of such absurdity, its time you all start feeling good about yourselves, there is in fact a God and you do indeed have a chance. 

Monday, February 13, 2012

The Grinch who stole Valentine's Day

Ok, so after I posted my last entry there was an eerie silence, now don't get me wrong I am not implying that my posts create a buzz abuzz but still I get a few comments from random methods of communication letting me know that I had done a decent job or that I should go back to school and learn how to write again or the odd are you serious you wrote that and lets not forget the...what are you smoking these days and why have.....well you get the drift. So when there was a bit of silence it had me wondering if people really appreciated it that much that I had somehow left them awe-stricken dumbfounded state where words could not explain how brilliant the piece was.....and then I remembered I had written it and check the visitors graph thingy page which helps me track the 5 people who visit this page.....a few months ago there was about 50 hits on the page which had me a little awe-stricken and dumbfounded till I was informed how this friend of mine had to jump back in about 10 times to read one entry coz he/she (yes I will keep everyone guessing) read like they were in kindergarten (and then there was one...less visitor here). Anyhow I digress, as usual, so I checked and saw that there were quite a few hits so people had most likely out of sheer curiosity come to the blog (and then regretted it) and would have read a few lines if not the whole thing and then it happened, I got a mail from a friend asking me if I was fine and if being single was affecting me, a question that made me laugh for ages (no seriously it did) and then there was a whatsapp message telling me how they liked the article yet my humour seems to be depreciating like the polar caps and I should probably go find my mojo (sic)....which obviously reminded me of Austin Powers and I had another round of laughter session. I also got a couple of genuine compliments (again it was written ones and I being the nice person seem to take people on their word...which reminded me of Bee Gees and their version of the song "words" and made me smile) and now after all this I really have no idea what I started with. Wait...yeah, that's one of the feedback I got and this was actually in person, was about how the whole thing is way out of proportion (not my words) and that he (lets face it you would have expected it to be a he anyways) totally agrees that its all about commercialisation and has nothing to do with love and then gave me a spiel on the whole love being shallow and all the while I could just imagine that person being a Grinch....and wondered if the Grinch ever got bored of stealing Christmas and started hijacking other occasions. What would happen if Grinch stole valentine's day? I guess all the flowers would somehow just disappear on the day, the restaurants close due to unforeseen reasons, the chocolates....ok lets not mess with the chocolates. What would happen to the cheesiness of the situations that are played out on the day, the spoiling your loved one would have to happen on another day (kinda works out as why would you limit it to one day if you really do love them and want to spoil them) and what's been sometime since I have done this as is evident and regret it I do not even once. So what do you think would happen if the Grinch ever stole valentine's day and what would you do to get it back? Share your thoughts.....and you can be expressive, no one is judging. :) 

Friday, February 10, 2012

V-Day Voodoo

So it's that time of the year where people go all mushy and weird and pretend to bring on their rom-game on. Apparently also the time where the break-ups go flying through the roof coz the stress of keeping up with the trend just doesn't hold up for some. Yes, its that time of the year that was meant to celebrate Saint Valentine but we now celebrate the love of commercialism in form of flowers, sweets, gifts and fancy dinners. Now, before you go ahead and group me with the cynical lot, may I add that I have no qualms with people celebrating love and contrary to my single status I do believe that love should be celebrated but only when there is love. What started as a day to celebrate love has now become a whole week, with people coming up with days like propose day, chocolate day, teddy bear day, hug day, kiss day leading to the the final day itself (I could have missed something but that is because twitter is my sources for this particular thing). So now Hallmark has not one but quite a few days to cash in on the emotions of people who when have an extra dollar are happy to spend that dollar and a half just to prove that they can out do that next person. Gone are the days when a mix-tape and a box of chocolates would make be an ideal apparently these days its all about that chic perfume or the designer accessories or that little piece of expensive cloth (no one really knows what purpose it serves) from Hermes. That followed by a nice dinner at a fancy place which you probably need to book at least a month in advance or spend the evening and probably the next few months listening to how so and so took so and so to the so and so place. If only this was the case, nowadays things have changed and even the guys expect the shabangg on the day, they want some fancy gift and love showered on them and behave in a way that Chuck Norris would and should  definitely get upset and pulverise half the universe. Actually now I am beginning to wonder if Chuck Norris celebrate Valentine's Day or if Saint Valentine actually celebrated Chuck Norris day when he walked the earth? Some questions, I reckon, are better left unanswered. So ladies and gents, my two cent advice to you is, enjoy the day, celebrate the love you have, don't go overboard with the fancy stuff coz true love is being true to yourself.
Keep Smiling  :)