Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Man oh man....

Men....yes us men...yeah you and you and even you...come gather around, let's form a circle, let's have a chat. No no we will keep it short and simple...yeah I just wanted to say -  for the love of Humanity will you please stop molesting women! Okay okay before everyone one of "us" gets offended yeah I realise we all aren't Neanderthals and go out harassing women but geez there's enough of us doing it and we need to shut this shit down! I mean it's 2017 and women all around the world are still feeling unsafe and our best response (by our I mean the ones who don't go harassing and molesting women) is #NotAllMen. Okay seriously what in the world is that even trying to achieve apart from saying "oh well I don't do it so it's not my problem..." well buddy it is our problem....I mean we are the problem.....yes even the ones who are civilised and cultured because we are not actively clamping this uncouth filthy behaviour down as fast as any idiot shouts "hey babe" to a woman minding her own business walking down the street. I read someone tweet that blaming all men for the actions of a few was like reverse sexism. Say what? Now I will say this out once and it should make it clear....reverse sexism is just like reverse racism IT DOES NOT EXIST! It's not a thing...no you may keep repeating it till pigs start flying but even then it will not be a genuine thing. 
Oh and while we are at it, let's get our heads out of the 16th century and not use the "but she was dressed this way or that way...." let's come to an understanding that yeah us guys like to impress women, they on the other hand like to live their lives....really not that hard now is it. 
Men, compadres, amigos, comrades, buddies, weird people heck even bigoted fellas....it's 2017 and while we are hell bent on destroying the planet with all our other hate can we give the women folk a break...like they have had to deal this shit for a few centuries now am sure a bit of a breather for let's say a century may not be that bad....I mean we do have so many other things to be mean about. I might even throw in let the women run the world for a few years to see what they come up with, I mean we have kinda sorta surely screwed it up for all this time what's a few years of relinquishing power going to do....are we not the stronger something. 
All in all...let's stop being an asshole and get our acts together. Let's make the women proud of us for a change. Also anyone who does the whole #NotAllMen need to be told to shut the hell up!

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