Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Last of the Mayan Years?

So, if the Mayans got this whole end of the world mapped out correctly we exactly have one year left to party it out. If you have no clue what I am talking about, and are reading this, let me firstly congratulate you on coming out of that cave after your long hiatus, and yes the world has indeed changed a lot from what you might have left it. Apart from the carnage mother nature has been dishing out (seems more like a tantrum throwing attention seeking teenager rather than what we have been calling her all along really) and the recession after round one still wants to play peek-a-boo with all of us all while taking most of the European countries in one go and threatening to conquer the whole world which makes me wonder why no one in the White House has not included it in the official Axis of Evil club. There have been a lot of deaths and a lot of anonymous people would have apparently hit it big with the prize money for assisting in fighting the aforementioned Axis of Evil candidates who not surprising went away in a very unglamorous without a whimper of a fight unlike what we had seen in Hollywood flicks with Bruce Willis, Arnold Schwarzenegger (surprisingly the spell check actually has that surname in-built, at least becoming a governor sort of helped in a way didn't it?) and Sly Stallone. Yeah, would have to say you did not miss much on that front except the Russians would be returning as the bad guys in the movies which might not be all that bad if you think about it. The last but not the least and this would probably make you return to the cave again, I know I have been tempted to take that step, is that some magazine conducted a survey or more aptly lets call it a poll of the 100 Hottest women of all time, yes that did read "100 Hottest Women of All Time" and in a bizarre anti-climax, trust shattering, sad tear inducing way the result was that Jennifer Aniston ( you might know her from her screen name - Rachel) beat everyone, including super models, pop stars, heck even porn stars and even Marilyn Monroe! Yes, humankind has lost its mind and when you can't even get the hottest woman in the world of all time right, what point is there to continue this existence just for the heck of it? The Aliens probably have scouted us out and looked at our thinking and functioning and probably decided its best not to waste the time, energy or resources valuable or otherwise on a set of species who apart from having bad tastes in women, are going broke by the second and would probably start killing themselves if the internet went down for a month (Please note that this a very hypothetical statement and I am not to be held responsible for this...ever...should this situation ever arise).
So cave-man now that you know what's going on, the little information that was going on before we did this recap was that according to the Mayans the world would surely finish on the 21st of December 2012 and hardly anyone would have given it an extra thought for who reads history anyway until someone in Hollywood decided to make a movie on it and since then its all been about 2012. So, you have 12 months to enjoy this new chapter for if the world does go kaboom, you shouldn't be just left with memories of the cave and the bats and their droppings around you.

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