Thursday, November 10, 2011

Question Quest on Queasy Questions

There are times when you realise that things you say might not sound the same as it sounds in your head, actually let me correct that, there are only times when you realise that things that sound brilliant in your head come out as expected. The thing though is we don't really think of things we speak either, like when you see a person at the cinemas or a mall or even at a restaurant and go "Hey!! What are you doing here?"! Now, lets break that question down and this is what it comes down to -
a. You can't afford to be here!
b. If you are here, I wonder if I should be......
b. Damn it...its like I can't avoid you anywhere
c. Kind of follows b, but is more like crap now I have to talk, ask a question, any question....and after the question you go "Duuh!! Had to ask that one of all the ones there were!!
This can be expanded further but you know where this is going. The other one which I have come across, and let's be honest they were trying to be nice, was while visiting the doctor I was asked, how I was doing. Really!! You ask a person who's feeling sick and had to wait 45 minutes in a waiting room, which co-incidentally only stocks women's magazine....don't know why but that one defies all logic as to do the doctors think only women fall sick or they just don't care about the men waiting there, anyways back to the point, you are waiting for 45 odd minutes and get asked how are you doing, the only thing you can do is look around you and go you kidding me? Do you think I like spending time in a room full of people breathing out germs and handing out diseases just to exchange pleasantries with a doctor!
Then there are questions that are just asked to confuse you, like the one and this remains the weirdest question I was asked, ever. I had an interview with an immigration officer who basically had to approve my citizenship application and had asked me the normal questions which were expected, and then just before ending the interview he thrown down a googly, and the question went as such, "Are you aware of any criminal charges brought against you in any country that you are not aware of?", I had to take a minute just to process the question in my head and when I had, my first reaction was to laugh which I suppressed as common courtesy suggested that it was inappropriate and a better sense of judgement (rare occasional moment) prevailed and I as any other person said when put in a spot says - NO! Turns out that was the answer, that person was looking for and after a minute said thanks and started to walk away before realising he worked there and I had to leave.
Anyways, the point of all this, if you really do read what I write and think it makes sense, is that when you ask someone a question, give yourself a 10 second buffer to think over it and if you have the slightest of hesitation over it, do everyone a favour - Don't ask the question!

P.S: This applies while answering a question too, although, allow yourself a bit more time to think especially if answering to a girl about a girl otherwise you dig yourself in a big hole! :)

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